

Differences Between Electrolytic Capacitors and Film Capacitors


Capacitors are crucial components in various electronic and electrical circuits, playing a fundamental role in energy storage, voltage stabilization, and filtering. Among the different types of capacitors, electrolytic capacitors and film capacitors are widely used, but they differ significantly in terms of construction, performance, and applications. In this blog, we will not only explore the key differences but also dive into some technical calculations to better understand their behavior in circuits.

1. Construction and Dielectric Materials

  • Electrolytic Capacitors:
    Electrolytic capacitors are constructed using two conductive plates (usually aluminum or tantalum), with an oxide layer serving as the dielectric. The second plate is typically a liquid or solid electrolyte. The oxide layer provides high capacitance per unit volume due to its extremely thin structure. These capacitors are polarized, requiring correct polarity in the circuit.

  • Film Capacitors:
    Film capacitors utilize thin plastic films (such as polypropylene, polyester, or polycarbonate) as the dielectric material. These films are wound or stacked between two metalized layers, which act as the plates. Film capacitors are non-polar, making them usable in both AC and DC circuits.

2. Capacitance Calculation

The capacitance (CC) of a parallel plate capacitor, which applies to both electrolytic and film capacitors, is given by the formula:

C=ε0εrAdC = \frac{\varepsilon_0 \varepsilon_r A}{d}


  • CC = capacitance (farads, F)

  • ε0\varepsilon_0 = permittivity of free space (8.854×10128.854 \times 10^{-12} F/m)

  • εr\varepsilon_r = relative permittivity of the dielectric material

  • AA = area of the plates (m²)

  • dd = distance between the plates (m)

Example Calculation: For an electrolytic capacitor using an oxide dielectric (εr=8.5\varepsilon_r = 8.5), with a plate area of 104m210^{-4} \, \text{m}^2 and a separation of 106m10^{-6} \, \text{m}:

C=8.854×1012×8.5×104106=7.53×109F=7.53nFC = \frac{8.854 \times 10^{-12} \times 8.5 \times 10^{-4}}{10^{-6}} = 7.53 \times 10^{-9} \, \text{F} = 7.53 \, \text{nF}

For a film capacitor using polypropylene (εr=2.2\varepsilon_r = 2.2), the same plate area, and a dielectric thickness of 106m10^{-6} \, \text{m}:

C=8.854×1012×2.2×104106=1.95×109F=1.95nFC = \frac{8.854 \times 10^{-12} \times 2.2 \times 10^{-4}}{10^{-6}} = 1.95 \times 10^{-9} \, \text{F} = 1.95 \, \text{nF}

As the calculation shows, electrolytic capacitors provide significantly higher capacitance for the same plate area and dielectric thickness due to the higher relative permittivity of the oxide material.

3. Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR)

  • Electrolytic Capacitors:

    Electrolytic capacitors tend to have higher Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) compared to film capacitors. ESR can be calculated as:

ESR=12πfCQESR = \frac{1}{2 \pi f C Q}


  • ff = operating frequency (Hz)

  • CC = capacitance (F)

  • QQ = quality factor

Electrolytic capacitors often have ESR values in the range of 0.1 to several ohms due to their internal resistance and electrolyte losses. This higher ESR makes them less efficient in high-frequency applications, leading to increased heat dissipation.

  • Film Capacitors:

    Film capacitors typically have very low ESR, often in the milliohm range, making them highly efficient for high-frequency applications, such as filtering and switching power supplies. The lower ESR results in minimal power loss and heat generation.

ESR Example:
For an electrolytic capacitor with C=100μFC = 100 \, \mu F, operating at a frequency of f=50Hzf = 50 \, \text{Hz} and a quality factor Q=20Q = 20:

ESR=12π×50×100×106×20=0.159ΩESR = \frac{1}{2 \pi \times 50 \times 100 \times 10^{-6} \times 20} = 0.159 \, \Omega

For a film capacitor with the same capacitance and operating frequency but a higher quality factor Q=200Q = 200:

ESR=12π×50×100×106×200=0.0159ΩESR = \frac{1}{2 \pi \times 50 \times 100 \times 10^{-6} \times 200} = 0.0159 \, \Omega

This shows that film capacitors have much lower ESR, making them more suitable for high-performance, high-frequency applications.

4. Ripple Current and Thermal Stability

  • Electrolytic Capacitors:
    Electrolytic capacitors are known to have limited ripple current handling capabilities. Ripple current generates heat due to the ESR, and excessive ripple can cause the electrolyte to evaporate, leading to capacitor failure. The ripple current rating is an important parameter, especially in power supplies and motor drive circuits.

    Ripple current can be estimated using the formula:

Ploss=Iripple2×ESRP_{\text{loss}} = I_{\text{ripple}}^2 \times ESR


  • PlossP_{\text{loss}} = power loss (watts)

  • IrippleI_{\text{ripple}} = ripple current (amperes)

If the ripple current in a 100 µF electrolytic capacitor with an ESR of 0.1 ohms is 1 A:

Ploss=12×0.1=0.1WP_{\text{loss}} = 1^2 \times 0.1 = 0.1 \, \text{W}

  • Film Capacitors:

    Film capacitors, with their low ESR, can handle higher ripple currents with minimal heat generation. This makes them ideal for AC applications, such as snubber circuits and motor run capacitors, where large current fluctuations occur.

5. Voltage Rating and Breakdown

  • Electrolytic Capacitors:
    Electrolytic capacitors generally have lower voltage ratings, typically ranging from 6.3V to 450V. Overvoltage can lead to dielectric breakdown and eventual failure. Their construction makes them more prone to short circuits if the oxide layer is damaged.

  • Film Capacitors:
    Film capacitors, especially those with polypropylene dielectric, can handle much higher voltages, often exceeding 1,000V. This makes them suitable for high-voltage applications, such as DC-link circuits, where voltage stability is critical.

6. Life Expectancy and Reliability

  • Electrolytic Capacitors:
    The life expectancy of an electrolytic capacitor is affected by temperature, ripple current, and operating voltage. The general rule of thumb is that for every 10°C increase in temperature, the life expectancy is halved. They are also subject to capacitor aging, as the electrolyte dries out over time.

  • Film Capacitors:
    Film capacitors are highly reliable with a long operational life, often exceeding 100,000 hours at rated conditions. They are resistant to aging and environmental factors, making them ideal for long-term, high-reliability applications.

7. Applications

  • Electrolytic Capacitors:

    • Power supply filtering

    • Audio circuits (signal smoothing)

    • Motor start circuits

    • Energy storage in low-voltage circuits

  • Film Capacitors:

    • High-voltage AC/DC circuits

    • Snubber circuits for surge protection

    • Motor run capacitors

    • EMI/RFI suppression

So, Which Capacitor to Choose?

Choosing between electrolytic and film capacitors depends on the application's specific needs. Electrolytic capacitors offer high capacitance in a compact size and are cost-effective for low-voltage applications. However, their higher ESR, shorter life expectancy, and sensitivity to temperature make them less ideal for high-frequency and high-reliability applications.

Film capacitors, with their superior reliability, low ESR, and high-voltage handling, are preferred in applications that demand high performance and durability, such as AC motor circuits, power inverters, and industrial controls.

By understanding the key differences and performing the necessary technical calculations, you can make more informed decisions for your circuit design.
